Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Shakedown - Part 2

In Shakedown - Part 1, I had 3 things to fix after my first real drive.
  • Broken headlight globe
  • Stuck closed thermostat
  • Broken exhaust mount
The headlight was easy to fix. The globe broke due to the vibration in the lens. I removed the whole light, replaced the globe, and then tightened the spring clips in the lens holder. Fixed.
The thermostat was harder. It involved a complete drain of the cooling system, removal of all the hose clamps, nose cone, fan belt and idler pulley. 3 bolts took 3 hours to remove! I tested the new thermostat before fitting, and the same 3 bolts took another 90 minutes to reinstall and torque. It was then just a case of replacing the other parts I had removed. Refilling with coolant took two nights of bleeding the air out of the system until the coolant level stabilised.

I used some fencing wire to hold the muffler on so I could test drive it and check the thermostat. Good news, the temperature stabilised at around 95 and held and the lower radiator pipe was also warm after 15km.

The problem with the muffler was that it had been hard mounted to the chassis (not by me). This meant that there was no isolation from vibration, so something had to give. The chassis mount was welded direct to the muffler body, and this broke after 20km, and it also bent the mount pretty badly. To fix this I got a rubber mount, and Steve the welder fabricated up an S bracket. We bolted the rubber mount onto a thicker chassis mount, and then welded the S bracket to the muffler body. We also took the S bracket a lot further under the muffler body and shaped it around the muffler allowing it to be welded on 3 sides (tripling the amount of welded joint). I then cut an adjuster slot into the chassis mount and bolted it up to the car. The chassis mount acts as a cantilever, and the whole thing is a lot more secure than before, but it also now has a vibration damper. I look forward to another test drive and hopefully it will last a bit longer than 20km.

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